
The Adventure begins with … student talent (Part 1)

Meet the talented students that will perform in the “Adventure” concert. Musicians, dancers and a bit more – there are the united initiators of the 9.12. event. They come from Sofia High School of Mathematics (SHSM), National High School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSSM), 97th and 18th state secondary schools and the National High School for Ancient Languages and Cultures, to name a few.

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How did it all start?

Lazarina Popova (Zari) from 10th grade in SHSM finds “T.R.A.P.” in an internet search for charity causes. When she learns more about the place, its values and purposes, she proposes to her classmate Liliya Panayotova to visit the creativity centre.

“Personally I love art”, says Liliya. – “When I was little, I always wanted to dance, draw and do make-up. I also wanted to learn about video-editing, but all these hobbies cost time and money, which I didn’t have. Immediately I wished to be part of helping other children and youth overcome the same challenge.”

Zari and Lily decide to organise a charity concert with the students of NSSM to support the cause of building T.R.A.P. Thus, to create a place where everyone can find their creative self and grow.

“One grows up through movement and meeting likeminded people who also look to grow”, Lily is convinced. – “Growth comes with improvement and work on one’s capabilities. It happens when one reads, dreams and shows curiosity. It’s not that easy, but if it was, everyone would be doing it.”

The route of art isn’t always an easy ride. The feeling that comes with improvement, however, is priceless.

Maria Mutafchieva from 10th grade in SHSM is one of the talents that responds to Lily and Zari’s invitation. Maria sings and plays the piano and the guitar. Music is what helps her see the beautiful side of the world. The love for music nurtures her inspiration.

“I feel like all my desires and thoughts become real to form a melody or the lyrics of a song”, this is how Maria describes the way she feels when playing or singing. – “This way you can touch the others and show them your real self…”

Maria will play with her newly-formed band “58 Degrees” at the concert. Even though they get together only a few months ago, they fit together as a band since the first rehearsal.

“Our friendship, similar taste of music and the ability to have fun while working are the reason for our good teamwork”, adds Maria.

The young talents look at their chance to perform at the charity event as a good kickoff to their career as a band.

Another rock band that you’ll see play at the concert formed because of the initiative. Ivaylo and Vladimir from SHSM and Tsvetomir from 18th SS get together to play a few weeks ago, so that they can join the show.

“To form a band that soon is a difficult task”, thinks Tsvetomir. – “We need to learn to listen to each other and be able to share ideas and recommendations to improve each other’s playing”.

Vladimir tells us that he has been dreaming of a place like T.R.A.P. for a long time and is happy that his band will be part of the centre’s creation. When the place is finished, it will hold a rehearsal space and a recording studio. This will give a chance for bands like “58 Degrees” and his own to practice, to learn and meet other musicians and artists.

“Playing music gives me freedom to create whatever comes to my mind”, explains Vladimir. – “This is the complete freedom of expression of your thoughts and emotions, even the ones you didn’t know existed. Music goes beyond the imperfections of language and reaches the heart. I play music because it’s my calling. I intend to develop professionally and become the best musician I can be to reach a greater freedom of expression… to touch more people”.

The deep connection to music and people is a reason to be creative. So is the simple joy that it gives – sometimes it can be just a smile on the audience’s faces. Anton Hasan from 97th SS is developing in the field of circus and fire arts. He starts practicing back in 2013, inspired by other circus groups. Anton juggles, rides a unicycle and spins poi. That’s not the first time he is a part of the initiatives of “Trotoara” Foundation. He also joins Rhymove! Project in May this year.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted such a place where I can practice my skills and share them with others”, says Anton. – “There is nowhere else to practice when it’s cold and raining. Here I’ll be able to meet new people to share experience with”.

From sharing experience to a way of living – this where the love for freerun takes Boyko Dimitrov from SHSM and Kaloyan Bozhilski from NSSM. They will join Anton in the opening of the concert on December 9th.

The freerun passion finds Boyko when he is 12. He picks it up from his best friend who shows him a few flips. In the beginning he thinks it’s easy, but then he finds out it takes a lot of practice and hard work. For two years he’s been training in “Gerena” gym with a several times world freerun champion Delyan Dido Dimitrov. Boyko brings his friends Kaloyan into the gym so they can train together.

“The most important thing is to have fun and never give up. You also need to be able to help and support the others, no matter which one is better”, Boyko shares the secret to success.

Today the guys have walked some way, they have performed at festivals and have competed. Their hobby has become their life – everywhere they go on the street they see an opportunity for a flip.

“That’s the only way to feel freedom”, says Boyko.

Where does inspiration come from?

“I get inspired by people who strive for a better world and society”, shares Vladimir. – My parents and the man who got me into music Deyan-Ditsata, are a perfect example”.

“We inspire one another”, say Stanislava Veselinova from SHSM and Lachezar Yordanov – a medicine student.

Stasi has danced modern for 12 years, but her passion for rock and roll acrobatics comes from 7 months ago.

“Dance is a way to express yourself in a beautiful and effective way and the rock and roll style is very dynamic”, explains Stasi. – “The rhythm takes over you and makes you jump. Dance is a way for us to play with space, shape and gravity. And when the audience likes the result – it brings satisfaction”.

Stasi and Luchko are partners since Stasi joins Club for Acrobatic Rock and Roll Dance “Cosmos”. They have now formed a connection where no words are needed.

“In partner work the connection and trust between the partners are key”, say Stasi and Luchko. – We decided to take part in the concert for the love of the stage. But there is also a good cause. It will be good for such a place (like T.R.A.P.) to exist where people can get away from the daily routine and trivial problems and focus on their creative side, enjoying the beauty they create”.

More about the "Adventure"

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