
P2019.05 Volunteers in action


Include trappers and teenagers to participate in volunteer actions. Cleaning backyards, supporting other charities, planting trees and doing good for the community.

Program start: 1.02.2019

Program end: 31.12.2019


Understanding and accepting the values of the volunteering service is of a first importance in the development of any teenager. It builds empathy, increases social skills and results in higher self esteem and happiness. On top of this helps learning new skills and knowledge and meet new people.


2000 volunteer hours committed by teenagers.


Participating in a volunteer service not only contribute a great deal of good to the society, but also makes characters. Volunteering is of first importance for Trotoara, not only by attracting external volunteers, but also to motivate trappers to participate and support other noble organizations and activities. The impact is focused directly to the target group – the teeangers.


A main partner in this program is I CAN TOO Foundation – an international charity organization dedicated to supporting children with special needs. We have shared many activities together, and their values covers completely with the values of Trotoara. Involving teenagers to help kids with disabilities and to understand about their problems is of high importance in any days society.

In addition to this, there are many other partners of Trotoara, with which we have worked or hope to work – and endless possibilities for teenage volunteer service.

For motivation there will be prizes for the first 3 winners.

For every 1 hour volunteer service committed 1 point for TRAP membership card will be given.


Budget: TRAP rent, bills and organizational expenses

3 rewards for the winners

Volunteer opportunities

The following volunteer opportunities are present:

  1. Spread the word – share the event, attract new participants and students
  2. PR activity and contact with media and other organizations.
  3. Manage tasks, volunteers and opportunities.
  4. Help us writing the reports, collect photos and information and manage the Facebook event and website materials throughout the whole program.

Additional information

With a lot of experience in volunteering, Trotoara wants to expand this area of interest more and more throughout teenagers. WIth our countless partners and initiatives – there are many opportunities for quality and satisfactory volunteering service for the teenagers.

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