
P2019.03 – TRAP of Legends


Organize a tournament 5v5 for teams of League of Legends video game for school students on international level. The finals should take place on TRAP fest 2019 in December.

Program start: 1.04.2019

Program end: 1.12.2019


Gaming is worthless without being on a team, playing with friends, socializing and having a goal to achieve. By organizing and motivating the school students to create teams and participate in an organized event we will retrieve the best of the E-sports and build the foundation for future tournaments.


Attract 200 participants from 40  teams.

20 game streams in Trotoara Twitch channel for at least one game of each team.

1 opening gaming event with 200 people attendance.

Participants involved:

20 people aged 12-18 years old acting as organizers, commentators and streamers.

10 people aged 18+ years old acting as managers.

10000 people online reach.


One impact will be on building Trotoara management expertise in organizing esports gaming tournaments. The plan for 2020 is that there will be more tournaments in also other games.

The tournament will build up on the gaming society within the teenagers in Bulgaria and help making it stronger and more organized.  Gaming is a career opportunity and legalized sport and may help kids find their path and career in life by participating in the tournament in an organized manner.

In addition this is an opportunity for kids from all over the country to participate, as the entrance is free of charge.


There will be 2 months subscription period, during which we will work on promoting and marketing the initiative.

After that, depending on how much teams are subscribed a tournament schedule will be announced, and the gaming will begin.

Streams and interviews will follow up during the plays, by allowing each team to be streamed at least once in Trotoara’s Twitch channel.

Commentators will be selected within the trappers, and the streams will be conducted again by them in cooperation with grown up mentors and specialists.

The finalists will play the finals on TRAP fest 2019 in December.

For every 1 hour of help in the process, 1 point for TRAP membership card will be given.

Sponsors will be searched for purchasing the needed equipment for the studio, which will be located in TRAP – the heart of the community.


Budget: TRAP rent, bills and organizational expenses

Web camera for the streams

Green screen for the studio

Two headsets for the commentators

Lighting equipment

Audio mixer

Video camera for the main footage in the studio and interviews

3 Rewards for the winner teams

The purchased equipment will be used on a long term basis and will become part of the long term assets of Trotoara Foundation.

The purchased equipment is shared and related to program P2019.07 Video production studio.

Volunteer opportunities

The following volunteer opportunities are present:

  1. Coordinate and manage the trappers in making the streams and commenting.
  2. Manage subscriptions and schedule together with trappers.
  3. Spread the word – share the event, attract new participants and students.
  4. PR activity and contact with media and other organizations.
  5. Mentors for following communication with teams and managing participants.
  6. Video shooting and editing of the activities for our YouTube channel.
  7. Help us writing the reports, collect photos and information and manage the Facebook event and website materials throughout the whole program. Follow up on the progress with the collected quantities of waste.

Additional information

We already have experience in this program, because we  started to work on it on a smaller scale during TRAP fest 2018 and Invaders gaming event in February 2018. The trappers loved being part in organizing it and a lot of valuable experience has been built up. This project is an excellent opportunity to make the young people learn in more structured manner and organized skills in gaming and esports, and eventually find a career path in something very inspiring for them – no matter if it is as a game creator, manager, esports or a gamer. We can use this project to make weekly or monthly events, to participate in external activities and to cooperate with different organizations and companies. The most important thing is to show that video games are not only a way of passing the time but may be a source of constructive learning process.

This post is also available in: Bulgarian

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