

For the first time in Bulgaria – a football tournament between YouTubers and fans to raise money for charity

For the first time in Bulgaria on the 07.07.2018 a football tournament was held with the idea of raising money for charity. The organizers, Boris Yotov, Galin Zhelyazkov and Rumen Borisov are 16-year-old boys, who want to present us that computer fans are leading an active way of life and can provoke their followers to spend more time outdoors doing sports activities.

Trotoara Foundation assisted the boys with finding a space with excellent conditions for implementing the event – Bauhaus Arena. The funds gathered from the entrance fee and the received donations were given to Trotoara for the construction, renovation and expense for the youth center TRAP – Trotoara Room for Angry People.

Tournament program:

The meeting, which started the tournament, was an Allstar match where YouTubers faced YouTubers in an epic battle. The rest of the matches were played by YouTubers versus their fans. Fans and YouTubers divided by two teams of 6 people plus several players in reserve. At the time of the event, all of the viewers were enjoying free Coca-Cola drinks.

11:00 – Open Doors and Ticket selling
12:00- First half of the Allstar Match – YouTubers vs Youtubers
12:45- End of first half in the Allstar Match (10 min break)
12:55- Second half of the Allstar Match – Youtubers vs Youtubers
13:40- End of the Allstar Match
13:45- 10 minutes break before the beginning of the Gamers vs Youtubers
13:55- First half of the Gamers vs Youtubers Match
14:40- End of first half of the Gamers vs Youtubers Match (10 min break)
14:50- Second half of the Gamers vs Youtubers Match
15:35- End of the Gamers vs Youtubers Match
15:40- 20 minutes break in which 7 viewers will be picked out from the audience who will play against the Youtubers
16:00- Start of the Fans vs Youtubers Match
16:35- End of the Fans vs Youtubers Match
16:35 until 17:00 – REWARDS!

The Youtubers won the tournament with their captain Boris Yotov. They were rewarded with original footballs from the World Championship provided by INTERSPORT, who also were responsible for providing the teams with outfits.
The event was reflected by the Bulgarian National Television, in which Deyan Yankov, the director of Trotoara Foundation, shared his impressions. The best news is that Boris Yotov and Galin Zhelyazkov will do everything possible to organize another tournament as this one next year with even more surprizes. In this way, the people who missed out will be presented with another opportunity to participate on the event next year.

Here are some pictures of the event

Footube - Gamers VS YouTubers VS Fans

Author: Deyanira Borisova

This post is also available in: Bulgarian

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